AnySeis™ is an entirely new concept in an exploration seismic systemit's cableless; freeing you from the bondage of spread cables! AnySeis modules clamp onto standard 2-conductor lamp cord in Any spacing, Any configuration, and Any channel count to dramatically simplify your survey setups.

Complete seismic acquisition channels are built into individual modules containing the geophone, A/D converter, and telemetry electronics. Multiple units are powered by a single, 2-conductor wire like ordinary speaker wire.

Because the seismic data is digitized right at the geophone, the system is immune from electrical interference.

The data is transmitted back up the same cable which supports multiple modules. Heavy, expensive geophone spread cables are replaced with a simple cord. A "vampire tap" attached the module at any position along the cord, so geophone spacing can be conveniently selected in the field to fit the application.

A selection of geophones is available, replaceable in the field for different applications.

No more spread cables!
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Also available for use
with external geophone
Works well with Land Streamers
Conventional geophone cables have takeouts at fixed intervals. With the AnySeis™ the interval can be easily adjusted to fit the needs of the survey, or even made non-linear to widen the bandwidth. And of course the land streamer can work better without the heavy cables.

To learn more about the features and benefits of the AnySeis cableless seismic system, view this PowerPoint presentation.

Download an AnySeis Data Sheet
The User Interface that controls the system is the result of 35 years of design experience. It is intuitive, self-explanatory, and flexible.
Hammer Switches