The cable has 6-conductors with Kevlar® braid strength member and polyurethane jacket, specially manufactured for Geostuff. The cable can be easily disconnected from the geophone for ease of handling. Popular lengths are normally available from stock, and custom lengths are available on special order.

Geostuff has published a tutorial paper describing the field methods for conducting borehole shear wave surveys. To download a copy, click Downhole Shearwaves
For a data sheet on the borehole geophones and accessories click BHG Data Sheet

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Geostuff offers a selection of wall-lock borehole geophones.

Each features a clamping mechanism with a robust, steel spring, expanded by a DC electric motor. There are no rubber bladders to break or tubes to leak, and operation is relatively independent of depth. The standard geophone elements are high-output, 15 Hz natural frequency that can operate with the tool vertical or horizontal.
The standard clamp mechanism works for holes between 2 and 6 inches (48-150 mm), but for larger holes extenders are available.

The BHG-5 is a digital, down-hole, wall-lock borehole geophone. The signals from the three sensors are digitized in the tool; sent to the surface free of any analog noise from the cables. Additional tools can be strung together to form a downhole array with up to 24 geophones. An internal digital compass provides the azimuthal orientation of each tool, included with the seismic data. The BHG-5 connects directly to your laptop computer through a controller for display, analysis and data storage, eliminating the need for a separate seismograph, reducing overall cost. Download a data sheet

Model BHG-2 (pictured on the right in photograph) contains a 3-component geophone in an X-Y-Z orientation. The outside diameter is 1.85 inches (47 mm), small enough to fit inside a schedule-40, 2-inch plastic pipe.

The BHG-3 (pictured, center) includes three geophone elelments, plus a fluxgate compass and a servo mechanism which automatically rotates the horizontal geophones to the azimuth of your choice.

Controllers are available for the borehole geophones to operate the clamp mechanism and route the signals. For the BHG-2 and -3, The BHGC-1 operates a single tool and BHGC-4 can operate up to four tools silmutaneously. These units switche power to the clamp mechanism and compass, and also directs the geophones signal to your standard seismograph. These controllers feature an internal 24-volt rechargable battery.

The BHGC-5 controller operates that tool and routes the digital signals directly to your laptop, eliminating the need for a conventional seismograph. That system is powered by a separate 12-volt battery.